Thursday, March 24, 2011

Totally "Fort Worth" it!

Hermana Rasmussen, Kelsey, and Hermana Barlow
Pointing to where they are going on their missions

Hermana Kelsey 2:1 -email-
Yes, the money here works like a credit card. We get $8 every week. The Elders get $6 a week. We can use it for treats from the vending machines, and supplies from the bookstore. It's pretty nice. I was so unprepared for what I would need here so I've pretty much spent all the money you gave me. Sorry :( But it's all good. I'll get by.
Anyway, I am doing so great. I've had some really tough times, but for the most part it has been good. Spanish is okay. They taught us like 8 grammar principles in like 3 days, so it was really overwhelming, but I'm starting to understand little bits at a time.
I think I am turning into you. Not that that's a bad thing, but I've realized the last few days how similar you and I are. I do a lot of the same things you have done at one point or another. It's kind of crazy. I also laugh really easy. I don't know what that's all about, but it's like when you have a sleepover with your friends, and it's three in the morning and everyone is delirious and laughs about anything and everything. That is what the entire MTC is like. You start to go crazy after a little while.
Anyway, two of the Elders in our district left yesterday (Elder Peterson and Elder Hunt), so we are sad. Elder Peterson is one of my favorite Elders. I don't know if you've gotten any of the pictures I sent, but he is the really really tall one. He is like 6 foot 6. It's crazy. Anyway, they left for the Spain MTC, because they got their visas finally.
The other day we were contacted by some Elders going to Italy, and I was so jealous. But..we could understand what they were saying, because Spanish is so close to Italian. It was pretty cool. I am definitely going to learn that language when I get home. Along with French, and German. That may be a little much, but I'm sure I can do it.
So the last couple days we've been trying to speak solo espanol. It is really tough. I don't talk very much because I don't know how to say what I am thinking. It's been hard, but I also know that I've learned a lot. Everyday feels like three, so if I try to remember when something happened I usually can't. I'll think it was the other day, when it was actually the day before. It's really weird. 
I'm so excited for Andrew to come. Seriously it is so great. You can ask my companions how many times I've talked about him, and they'll tell you it's been at least 30 times I've brought him up. I knew that he would do fantastic on his talk.
Oh another kind of random thing: my teacher Hermana Billin is from New Hampshire and she lives right by Lake Winnepesakee (I don't think that is how you spell it), but she knows all about "What About Bob?" so we were quoting it to each other. It was awesome.
Anyway, please tell everyone to DearElder me. It's so much easier than writing an actual letter but it is still mail, and still super exciting. So tell everyone please. I need letters to keep my sanity!! Tell me news of the outside world!
Okay, well I better go now. Love you lots. Love, Hermana Kelsey

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