Thursday, March 10, 2011

Totally "Fort Worth" it!

Hermana Kelsey 1:2 -email-

Hola! Comos esta? It's crazy it's been two weeks. The first week felt like a month, and this last week has felt like a few days. I'm glad you are doing good. I feel like we have so much time to study all the things we need to, but it's never enough. Oh well. Esta bien. It's all good. I did get the package the day before yesterday. I was so excited because I hadn't gotten any mail for like a week. I told my companions that if I didn't get any mail that day that I would cry, and Hermana Rasmussen said, "Hopefully you get mail because if you cry then I'll cry." Then our district leader, Elder Geest, walked in after he checked the mail, and said, "Hermana, I have bad news you didn't get any mail...but you got a package." I couldn't stop smiling. :) Anyway, I'm glad you got to see Natasha. She definitely isn't afraid to tell people what she thinks. It's an admirable trait, but it may get her in trouble. :) Tell everyone I say hi back. 
So this last week has been really crazy, but so good. I'm am to the point though, when it comes to food, that I just don't want to eat anything ever, I have no appetite, and I just force myself to eat, and keep the food down. But I've gained six pounds, the last time I weighed myself. I'm pretty sure that it's mostly muscle weight, because I've been riding the stationary bike like every day, but still. Six pounds! It's crazy. Meals are like some of the best times here. It's pretty much the only way we keep our sanity. Although the elders do crazy things. They have contests to see who can eat any entire cup of jell-o in one swallow fastest. It's quite hilarious.
The spanish is coming along slowly, but surely. I feel like I'm starting to understand more, but I'm stilll behind like everyone in the class. It's kind of sad, but I know that the only reason I've been able to learn all things I have is because Heavenly Father is helping me. This last Sunday we had a testimony meeting in sacrament and it was SOOO amazing. Some of the elders who got up got teary, and it was so sweet. It's wierd to see their serious spiritual side when all you see normally is their goofy side. Anyway, it was super spiritual. On of the districts in our zone is leaving this coming Wednesday. It is so sad because they are like an awesome group of people, and they have the only other Hermanas in our zone. Hopefully we'll get some the next time we get a new district. On Monday, we moved to a new building. I guess they are going to renovate the old one. So now we are one floor higher. It's killer to walk up that many stairs.
This last Tuesday we had our second TRC which is where we teach a lesson to volunteer investigators. We had the hardest investigator ever! She made us work so hard, and we got nowhere. She acted like she was interested, but had no motivation to do anything. It was very frustrating and disheartening. I just wanted to scream how important the gospel is, but I couldn't.
Anyway, I better go. I'm almost out of time. Love you bits. Love, Hermana Kelsey XOXOX

Ha ha yeah I sure am getting up early to exercise. The gettting up early isn't as bad as I thought it would be, although I do get tired after we eat lunch and go to class. Sometimes it's hard to stay awake. Anyway that's funny you got shirts for soccer. I wish we could play soccer. They might open the playing field outside when it gets warm, but it might be after we leave. Love you, Hermana Kelsey

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