Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to my darling Flexy!

My darling Flexy turned
 20 years old today! Wow! 
Where did the time go?
Just to celebrate, 
here are 20 things
 I love about Flexy...
* he is rarely upset
* he knows how to have fun 
with out spending money 
* he is responsible
* he loves Heavenly Father
* he is a good friend
* he is kind to everyone
* he is easy going/happy go lucky
*  he is a hard worker
* he is my most quoted child
* he is a good brother
* he loves Jesus
* he is a good example 
* he is loving
* he is strong
* he is funny
*he is an Eagle Scout
* he is very profound
* he is handsome
* he is respectful
* he is a great son! 
You are a wonderful son!!! Happy Birthday Alex!
I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Elder Flexy! (so sad I don't have a cutie daughter waitng home for some cutie like Flexy!) lol He's going to be a catch
    Enjoy your week end Joy
