Monday, March 7, 2011

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 9:1 -email-

life is great. my birthday was fun i made some breakfast burittos. anyway swaziland continues to be the best. we had a really good week. 
1 How was your week?1.great we walked so much this week it was crazy talk.
2 How is your new member doing?
2.he is doing great he got confirmed yesterday.
3 Do the other members fellowship good?
3.ya usually
4 Are you healthy? is your toe healthy?
4.ya i'm fine the toe is all better.
5 How is your contacting going?
5.good we find people like crazy
6 Any new investigators?
6.well ya you can say that we have lots that are progressing fast.
7 Do you get to exercise or do you feel like you do enough walking?
7.well today we played basket ball today it was really fun so we do exercise too.
8 How is your companionship?
8.great no problems
9 Have your investigators asked you any questions you didn't know the answer to?
10 If so, how do you find out the answer?
10. we just tell them we will look it up for them.
11 Do you have an area rep/general authority? who is it?
11.yes for our area its Elder Watson

Special question:
12  Do the South African people have a tradition or ancestral story that involves Christ coming to visit them, around the time he visited the Americas? If so is it helpful in the teaching process?
12.that one i'm not sure but i'll check.
anyway life is good and the work is going forward. anyway time is almost spent. love you.

                                      Love Elder Flexy


  1. Two couples from our stake were in South Afraic on mission. They never could get the shots they needed and the time to go on a visit to Swaziland, but they had wanted too badly. ( the one couple was talking about it last night at FHE and so it's fresh in my mind...) I guess I hadn't relized where Swaziland was for sure till then.
    Happy Birthday Flexy!

  2. I really can spell Africa! lol
    I'm such a lurp.
