Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My darlin's Birthday!

My darlin!
(getting a little salt and pepper in that beard!)
Today is my sweetheart's birthday!
Happy Birthday! 
We had a fun day in Salt Lake City. 
We rode the Front Runner down, and had a big adventure. 
The Gilgal Garden was pretty neat. 
This guy was pretty busy for a long time 
doing all of this to his yard. It's now open to the public. 

There were scriptures and thoughts and 
songs written on a lot of the rocks.

Fun and interesting!
Then we went to Trolly Square
We ate lunch, and decided to go to see this antique car collection. 
We had seen information about it on the internet.
We rode Trax as far as we could, then walked and walked, for blocks and blocks.  
We saw this on the way! 
Good idea!!!! I will. 
Notice the raindrops on the Trust Jesus sidewalk sign? 
Yes, it rained too. 
So we walked and walked, I know I said that, 
and we got to the building and guess what.

 It was closed! 
What the..! 
No way, did we just walk and walk 
to get here, and have it be closed!!! 

Are these some of the antique cars? 
My little darlin ran over to the front door to see if anything was on the door. 
There was a sign that said, "Running errands!" with a phone #. 
So we called the number, (remember we walked and walked), 
and they said they will be back tomorrow. 
Sorry, we won't!
We headed up to the Trax station. (More walking.) 
I need it to be clear, 
I had no intention of burning the massive 
amount of calories that I burned today. 

We stopped at the 
Hope Gallery and Museum. 
We both loved it!
We made a quick pass through the Gateway
My darlin loves Dick's Sporting Goods. 
He is always looking at racquet's.
 I can't believe he doesn't get tired of looking at them. 
I went into the Brighton store.
 He can't believe I never get tired of looking at the Brighton store. 
It's a great relationship we have.
 I'm just grateful the stores are right across from each other. 
After that we headed for home. It was a fun day, 
mostly because we were together.
 I think my sweetheart had fun too. 
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Your sweetie! I LOVE having a day with my DH all to myself! Don't get them very often....
    Sounds like you had a good, sorry you had to walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk A N D walk!
    Enjoy your week end
