Monday, August 2, 2010

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 2:1  -Email-

MAMA (Zulu for mother)
ya its great to know that things are going well! this place is so cool!!!!!! i love it here i'm learnig so much cultural stuff its crazy i'm gonna try to learn Zulu before i come home anyway. so the teaching here is really slow teaching muslums and Hindus is really hard and we taught this man named Frank and he just fights everything we say its actually kinda funny. so the work is going well no baptisms yet but they will come. This place is so differant when you can go to the store and not know what cold cereal to buy its a strange place. We ate Indian food the other day its FREAKIN spicy!!!! but its was good and its part of there culture to eat with there hands so that was kinda gross but it was good fun. oh ya the other day we went to this little Zulu families house and their daughter Gugu was sitting by me so i started showing her my pictures and i showed her the Provo Temple and she kissed the camera! that just goes to show that even little children in Africa know what is sacred. anyway I'm doing great better go love you.
                                                                                                                    Love, Elder (Flexy)
Good news! 
That's what the word "gospel" means! 


  1. That is so great that he's out there teaching and learning all at the same time. He is going to be great!
