Friday, August 7, 2009

Family History Friday (FHF): True Love!

Today for FHF, I want to wish my hubby
Happy Anniversary!
We have been married for 24 years and he is still my best friend.
He is the one I want to share forever with.
We had been friends for about 7 years when we finally started dating. In fact, on our first date, I wasn't even sure if it was a date. For weeks leading up to "the date" we would talk after church, sometimes for hours. Time together has always been very comfortable, just like it was back then. Then he asked me to go to a fireside with him. In case you don't know what that is, it's an extra church meeting on Sunday night with a special speaker. The first thought that crossed my mind was, is this a date? And if it is, how will I know? (I have to add here that Brett was very shy, much more so than me.) I decided that if he opened the car door for me when he picked me up, then it must be a date. Sure enough, he did open the car door for me. After our first date I had a hard time not wanting to be with Brett every minute of everyday. We dated for a short while and got engaged.
And on August 7, 1985 we were married
in the Salt Lake Temple.
It was a beautiful and perfect day. The years have brought with them 4 wonderful children, a gorgeous granddaughter, not to mention, many struggles and challenges, and some disappointments. It has been hard work, but I wouldn't trade a second of it for anything in the world. One thing that I learned early in my marriage is this; Focus on the good things about your sweetheart. He isn't perfect, but neither am I. Spend more time thinking about all the things that make him the wonderful man that you fell in love with, and less time focusing on his flaws. Is he a hard worker? Does he come home to his family after work? Does he love God? If he does, he will be obedient to Him. That alone is a biggy. Then I know he is doing his best to be honest, faithful, considerate, and to cleave unto me and none else.
In fact, God is a partner in our marriage.
We try to live the life he wants for us and follow Him. We listen for help from Him in all aspects of our lives. Once you've focused on your darlin's goodness, then be the best you that you can be. Be the type of person you want him to be to you. I know I don't have a perfect marriage, but we love each other and we're committed to each other forever.
I love you, Brett!!!!
Thanks for reading about part of the history if this family.
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Ah, this is such a sweet post! Congratulations on 24 years of marriage! You are almost to your silver anniversary, too, which would be very exciting! :)

    My husband and I just celebrated our thirteenth anniversary on July 6th, and as I read your advice, I agreed with it all! It is very good advice! :)

    I hope you have a fantastic weekend! :)
