Monday, June 27, 2011

Totally "Fort Worth" It!

Hermana Kelsey 5:1 -email-
Mi Familia!!
Hola! Como estan? I did have a great week! Lots of really great things are happening in Temple! I will continue with that in a few lines. But first off, that would be so cool if you got a job with the church. I've heard they take really good care of  their employees. I will definitely be praying that you get the job. It has been really hot down here in Texas. 90's and 100's plus humidity, and we've been walking and tracting A LOT, because we are low on miles again. They cut our miles for this month, so we have even less than before. But we just try to drink lots and lots of water, so we don't get dehydrated.
Anyway, I miss having family parties. :( I also miss real home cooked food. We get it a few times when we eat with members, but i miss having a real Sunday dinner. It's okay though.
Okay so this week...
Monday: We had our p-day as usual. Although it was kind of a weird p-day. We went down to Rogers to visit come less actives and an investigator down there. But, none of them were home. We also ate at this restaurant that one of our members works at so it's free to eat there. It was kind of a bust day.
Tuesday: I accidentally broke my glasses. :( I was in the bathroom and I leaned forward to pick something up off the ground, and they just fell of my face and broke in half. It was sad. We also tracted a lot. We spent about 4 hours doing white cards, which are people that have talked with missionaries at some point before and said they were interested, so we go to their house and set up appointments for other days.
Wednesday: We also spent a lot of time tracting today. We tracted in this kind of scary area, which it wasn't bad because it was the middle of the day, but still. Anyway, this random lady came up to us, and asked if she could use our phone. Sister Summers let her, and then Sister Summers asked if we could share a pass along card with her. She said sure. As Sister Summers was explaining what it was, the lady blurted out, "I'm a prostitute." Sister Summers just stopped talking for a second. We were both a little shocked. But Sister Summers just continued talking about how the gospel can help everyone, no matter what their situation. All we have to do is rely on the Lord. She agreed, and then we left. But it was a strange experience to say the least.
Thursday: We went to this anniversary party for this old couple that comes to the Assisted Living place by our apartment that we go and visit. It was their 68th wedding anniversary. They are so old, but still really healthy and full of life. And also a little bit crazy. But we love them all the same. They come and do an activity thing every Thursday morning, to get the old people there out of their rooms, and doing something active (ish). They are so cute. Also, we met this other really old lady from a referral we received from one of the members of our branch. She talked so much she made us late for our FHE with one of our less active families. But she was really cute.
Friday: Nothing really happened today. It was just a normal day in paradise. :)
Saturday: We had interviews with President Sagers. He told me I need to not be afraid to speak spanish, but also that I probably won't have it down very well until about 9 months in. Hopefully I get it sooner than that though. I am definitely improving, but I still struggle with knowing what to say to people. I usually can understand most of what they are saying, but I just don't know what to say back to them. Also, Mexico played against, the U.S. and won. I didn't watch the game, because we aren't allowed, but I have inside sources that tell me who won,a nd who is playing who. Secretly, I wanted Mexico to win, but I told everyone I was rooting for the U.S. I have to support my own country, right? :) But especially recently, I have learned to really love the people from Mexico. I used to be a little afraid of Hispanic people, but they are seriously some of the coolest people I have ever met.
Sunday: We had a great Sunday. We had 8 investigators in sacrament meeting, which is really great. Last week we had 11, but 8 is still really good. We are getting so busy here. I feel liek really stretched thin sometimes, like there's too many people for just the two of us to be in charge of, but somehow, with the help of the Lord, we always figure it out. We had our baptismal interview with our investigator that is going to be baptized on July 2nd. His name is Jesus. He's a pretty cool guy, but I'm not sure if he is getting baptized for the right reasons. He wants to marry one of our members, so I think that probably has something to do with his sudden decision to get baptized, when he didn't really have a desire to do it before. But we're going to baptize him. :) Already my 2nd baptism. It's so exciting! But it was also a sad day because our branch president's brother and sister, who help us all the time with the missionary work, are leaving for Mexico on Wednesday, so it was their last Sunday. :(
But anyway, that was my week. I'll answer a few of the questions you sent, but not all of them apply to me.
1 Have you heard about transfers?
1. I don't know about transfers, because our transfers aren't until the 20th of July, but I have a feeling President is going to transfer me. I really hope he doesn't, but I just have this feeling that it is going to happen. :(
3 What is your favorite thing about working in Temple?
3 My favorite thing about working in Temple are the people. We have some of the greatest members in our branch, and the people just generally are nice. We have met a lot of people who are very open to the gospel as well. Heavenly Father is definitely preparing people to receive the gospel.
4 What is your least favorite thing about working in Temple? 
4. I don't really have a least favorite thing, but I'm not really a fan of the heat, or the bugs. We get mosquito bites all the time, because we have to teach outside a lot at night.
7 Do you have a member family that helps you a lot?
7 A member family that helps us a lot is the Sandoval's. That is our branch president and his siblings. Our president is so involved with everyone, and knows everyone's story. It's amazing.
Anyway, I have to go now. But I love all of you lots! Sorry, I don't have time to write to you all! :( Bye!

con amor,
Hermana Kelsey

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