Monday, June 13, 2011

Totally "Fort Worth" It!

Kelsey with Hermana Vaughn, her trainer.
She just went home last week!

Hermana Kelsey 4:4 -email-

Hola!! Como esta? Como fue su semana? (How was your week) I hope things are good. We have had so many miracles, and blessings this last week or so. On Tuesday, we found out that one of our investigators who has been coming to church for like 5 years, and couldn't get baptized because she wasn't married, is finally getting married at the end of July! We are so excited. She will be getting baptized the week after. :) Also we have a few really awesome investigators that will hopefully be getting baptized soon as well. They are pretty legit!
Sister Vaughn was with me for Monday and Tuesday, but she left Wednesday. I was really sad. :( But my new companion is really cool too. Her name is Sister Summers, and she is 6'2"!! We make quite the companionship. :) But we even each other out pretty well. Her spanish is muy bien, which is great because mine sure isn't. It's getting better though. Slowly, but surely. I prayed in our meeting that we have with our branch president every Sunday, and he commented on how much better my spanish has gotten already since the last time he heard me pray. That was pretty cool. Also, just as a side note, Sister Summers is from Morgan and she lives like right across the street from Summer W.! Crazy right?! Even crazier, her brother is serving his mission in the same place as cousin Andrew! It sure is a small world.
On Saturday, we ate dinner at one of our investigators homes, and she made the spicest food I've ever eaten. It was so hot! I thought I was going to die. But it was pretty good too.
I miss the Empey's! Julie and Melissa sent me a letter together, so that was really cool. Also, my best friend, Amanda, wrote me a letter finally! :) That was really cool. That's crazy that Landon is coming home that soon! I swear he hasn't been gone for two years.
Awww! I miss my sweet niece! I was showing Sister Summers that family album you gave me, and I saw Natasha in the picture, and it made me a little sad. But then I was okay. It's just gonna be really crazy, because when I get home she'll be so big! But it's okay. :)
Anyway, I better go now. Te amo mucho!! (I love you much)
con amor, Hermana Kelsey
Hola! I'm kind of jealous you get to play real life soccer. We play this game we call chair soccer, but it's not the same as real soccer. Also, I've gotten really into soccer, because a lot of our investigators love soccer, and will talk to you more if you know about soccer. So I have an "insider" that always tells me who won the soccer games and who Mexico played against, and then I can talk to people on the streets about it. It's fun. But I really wish we could play for real.
If we can borrow a bike from someone, we might ride around a little bit, which should be fun. Although I am really out of shape, so maybe not.
I remember when you taught me how to do a backflip. That was so long ago. Man, I miss jumping on the tramp! Some of our members have trampolines, and I want to jump on them so bad, but we aren't allowed. :(
Anyway, I better go now. Te amo! (I love you)
Love, Hermana Kelsey 
Emmysaurus Rex!
I'm still waiting on a real letter from you!!!!! You crazy girl! I'm glad you enjoyed church though. I love church. Our branch is so great. All of the members are so cool, and they are so closely knit because there are so few of them. Everyone is friends with everyone else. It's so cool. I love the spanish people so much! I was little scared before, because, I'm not gonna lie, I was a little prejudice. But most of the people I have met are so awesome, and the Hispanic people are so much nicer than white people and african american people. We try so hard to find Hispanics, because we don't want to have to talk to white people. They are mean.
Anyway, I'm glad you are having fun with Melissa. Did you know she sent me a letter? Yeah...she sure did. So maybe you should send me one too!! :)
Anyway, I probably better go now. Te amo!! Be good. Make good choices. Do what you know you are supposed to.
Love, Hermana Kelsey 
P.S. What does BFN mean?


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