Thursday, April 14, 2011

Totally "Fort Worth" it!

Hermana Kelsey 2:4 -email-

Hola! How are you doing? I hope you are great. I am doing fanstatic! I had a couple days when I was struggling a lot with the language, but it has been getting better. I have to constantly remind myself that I have come so far. Before I got here I didn't know any spanish, and now I can somewhat speak it. Anyway, I would say the best way to learn spanish is to study a lot, and to speak as much as you know all the time. We have to speak spanglish pretty much everyday, but we learn a lot that way.
Anyway, this week was good. I found out that my male teacher, Hermano Haderlie, is two weeks younger than me, so that was weird. His birthday is in August. It's crazy.
Anyway, there are all kinds of crazy funny things that happen here, but most of them aren't even worth writing about. There are just funny things that keep us from going completely crazy. So I've decided that I am terrified of the real world. I want to live in the bubble of the MTC forever. :(
Anyway, I better go now. Love you lots. I'll be sending some more pictures soon, so look forward to that. :)
Love, Hermana Kelsey  
Hey, so do you remember that guy who stood up in stake conference and talked about his mission, but didn't say where he was called? I saw him here at the MTC a little while back and he is going to South Dakota, Rapid City mission! Isn't that cool?! I told him about Ron, so he's going to watch out for him. Anyway, I'm glad you got that tree taken care of. You are such a good example to me of hard work. Anyway, I better go now. Love you lots.
Love, Hermana Kelsey
Ileray! (Riley)
You need to write me a letter. It is necessary for my salvation!! Love you lots, bye! 
I'm glad you are doing good. You better write me a letter! I need mail!! Just kidding. But seriously. Keep doing great in school. Remember, that your grades now will affect you in the future. I wish I had tried harder to get good grades. I'm not sure what else to tell you. I've gotten bad at writing in my journal, and that is usually where I get things to write home about. So I don't really have very much to say. Sorry. I better go now though. Love you tons. Be good.
Love your sister forever, Hermana Kelsey

1 comment:

  1. Hermana Kelsey will do great in the real world. Just remember you have your companion and the universes best companion The Savior by your side always when your in his service. :-)
