Thursday, April 7, 2011

Totally "Fort Worth" it!

Hermana Kelsey 2:3 -email-
Sorry I didn't send a letter this week. I've been getting more and more busy here, so it seems like I never have time to write outside of emailing. I might even get to the point where I'm as bad at communicating as Alex. :) Just kidding. But yeah. I'll try to write more real letters. Although, they are now really enforcing the rule of only writing letters on p-day, so I don't really have very much time to write. Anyway, my week has been okay. I had a really hard couple days, because I realized that I'm leaving for Texas in less than three weeks, and I don't know near enough Spanish to get by. It was really scary and stressful for me. But I'm doing better now. Spanish is okay. I feel like the new district that got here one week ago knows more Spanish than I do though. No me gusta la comida. Well it's okay, but not my favorite. I am happy for the most part. I still have hard days and sad days, but my companions and my district and zone are so great. They always are trying to build each other up. It is so fantastico.
I LOVED conference! I got so much more out of it than I ever have before! Probably because I didn't fall asleep. :) Anyway, some of the speakers at conference have come to speak to us at firesides and devotionals, so it was pretty neat to hear from them. I noticed that since the last conference all of the general authorities and the prophet have aged so much. It's kind of weird to think that they actually are mortal beings and they will die at some point. It's sad.
I don't remember if I told you last time, but I've seen Andrew a few times. He seems to be doing great. Much better than I was my first week. He's going to be a fantastic missionary.
Yesterday, we got to host the new missionaries that came in. It was so fun! It was also strange, because just a few weeks ago I was in that situation. Anyway, the sister I hosted was Hermana Moody. She is from Wisconsin and she is going to Salt Lake South Spanish speaking. She was so adorable. I'm hoping I'll see her around. Her class is in the same building as Andrew's so I told them to say hi to each other when they see each other.
Anyway, I feel the spirit so much here on a regular basis. Sometimes we'll have an amazing meeting, and it's just so overwhelming, but on any regular day you can just feel the spirit radiating from all the other missionaries. It is so great.
On Saturday between conferences it was so nice outside, so we decided to go for a walk around the perimeter of the MTC. It was weird because we didn't have any inclination to leave. We could have just walked out of the MTC, but we didn't even want to.
Anyway, I better go now. I love you lots.
Love, Hermana Kelsey

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