Monday, February 28, 2011

Totally "Fort Worth" it!

First Letter February 24th 2011
Dear Familia,
Hola, Wow! The MTC is crazy! There are so many great people here. Today is thursday, so the wild stuff is mostly over. Yesterday was pretty much a blur, but I'll tell you what I can remember. After you guys left, they took me and my luggage back to a room where a bunch of other sisters were. I met a bunch of them and we chatted for a little bit. Then a sister that has been here for a while came and got me. She took me around to pick up a bunch of different items I would need (i.e. my key to my room, my name tag, books and scriptures in Espanol, and lots of other things), and to drop off my luggage. Then she took me to my class. Hermana Billins is so cute. She is one of my teachers, and she mostly speaks Spanish. she's trying to have us speak as much as we can, as often as we can. Haderlie is my other teacher. He is great too. I've only met with him a little, but I can tell he is going to be awesome. After class we had a Welcome Orientation where we met the MTC Presidency. They are so amazing! I know they are called of God. Next we went to dinner, which reminded me of high school or jr. high, except everyone is nice, and talks to you.
Oh, I forgot to tell you about my two companions. Hermana Rasmussen is from Idaho Falls, and Hermana Barlow is from Washington DC. They are super great and adorable. At dinner I saw, none other than, Sister Buswell! It was so exciting! We both got all excited and gave hugs, and she talked with me a bit. It was so nice to see her. She is such an inspiration to me. Also, I saw Brother and Sister Fowers, and gave them hugs. After dinner we went to a group teaching where you are in a small group (maybe 20 missionaries), and you teach an investigator. You are supposed to try to see what their needs are. We met with three men. It was really a good experience to talk to them, and see what we could do for them, and to see how just us sharing small parts of the gospel with them changed their disposition. It was really neat. After that, we met our Zone Leaders, and them ca e back to our room to unpack. I had a really hard time sleeping last night I got bed @ 10:30, but couldn't sleep because I had so much going on in my head. Plus I woke up several times in the night. We decided wake up @ 5:45 to go to the early morning exercise class just for girls, so we went to that. Today has just been really busy. That's pretty much what we always are though. Busy, busy, Busy! But another good thing about today...I met another Sister going to Fort Worth, Spanish speaking!! Her name is Hermana Valdez and she is leaving to go down to Texas in March, because she already knows Espanol. It was so exciting to meet her though. I'll probably see her down in Texas. Anyway, I probably better go now. Love you all lots. Do good things! Love, Hermana Kelsey
PS Be sure to give my address to everyone!  I want lots of letters!
:) oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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