Monday, February 14, 2011

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Alex getting ready to wakeboard, before he left on his mission! Cute!

Elder Flexy 8:2 -email-

My darling Elder, It was a beautiful day today. The sky was clear and sunshiny. The temperature was actually warm. I am ready for spring. You're probably thinking, I'm ready for fall. Anyway, It was a wonderful Sabbath. Our church was great. We had super lessons and then the Poppa and Juanita Fowers spoke. They're going on a mission to LA, California. It's a family history mission. They will do great. They're talks were great. Then we went to Kelsey's ward and heard her talk. Wow! She is ready. Her talk was great. I am so glad she decided to go. She has made some changes in her life and she is happy and at peace with her decision to go. I know she will do great. Thanks for being the trail blazer and setting a good example for your siblings to follow. I love you so much! I better quit. It is about time for you to get up. Have a great week! I am sending your B-day package tomorrow, it will probably be late, sorry. Be Safe!! Be Obedient! Love, Mom

this week has been good we had a district conferance on saturday and sunday it was huge there were like four hundred people there on sunday. we had one of our investigators interviewed for baptism it went great he will be baptised in two weeks it will be awesome. anyway life is good i got an interview with president vonstetton today what an awesome guy!! we had five investigators at conferance it was so good. oh ya i recieved a letter from colter from new york.
1 Any baptisms yet?
1.not yet in a couple of weeks.
2 How do you get, or encourage, the people you teach, who have Word of Wisdom problems to quit what they are doing?
2.we have some stop drinking and smoking programs that we use.
3 How is your area?
3.its good my legs are getting tough but my upper body is still getting soft but i weigh the same as when i left.
4 Favorite scripture of the week?
4.dang it i don't have my scripts on me but i'll look it up and tell you.
5 Do the people you teach know about the Savior? Is there any common ground to go from?
5.ya there are many christian churches so the people know him.

Special question:
6 How do you explain to investigators that Heavenly Father is their Father and that He is really there?
6.well we just explain to them that he is litterally the father of our spirits and that he loves us as a father.
well life is good on mission we will keep working hard. love you 

                                                              Love Elder Flexy 

Alex, How are you? We had a great Sunday. Church was super, We had a lesson on service and lots of people made comments we shouldn't do service expecting a reward so, Chad said he doesn't mow Mike Theis's lawn  in hopes that Mike will offer to let him ride his Big Dog (motorcycle). Leon and Juanita spoke in church. They are leaving soon for California. After our ward we went to Kelsey's Sacrament meeting, she gave a really good talk. The opening song was "because I have been given much" That song kills me, I don't get through the first line before I am Bawling. What a boob. We had dinner at Brads house for a change it was great. Ariane was there with her 2 darling kids. she is doing ok. Brad and Cindy's 4 dogs are so cute. Caleb is getting married in June to Kristy. I went skiing with Riley last Mon. It was fun but a little windy. Tues. would have been a better choice, it was a beautiful day. Today was in the 60s. soo nice. We had two soccer games this week, so it went like this. Ski 6hours mon. soccer game same day at 11:30pm soccer game tues. 5:45pm it was a fun two days. Well I better give someone else a turn. I am soo proud of you and what you are doing keep up the good work. Love Dad. 

sounds like you have been having fun lots of cool things happening. thats so crazy Caleb is getting married thats awesome tell him congrats for me. so chad is still waitin to buy himself a harley! thats so funny ya we saw a nice car the other day. we saw a bentley its worth about seven million rands it was nice esspecially in swaziland. but life is good we are working very hard. ya they call this are a walking area but i think its a hiking area its tough to walk some of these places. anyway love you. 

                                                              Love Elder Flexy

Flexy Boo Lou,
Hey buddy? How's life? I hope things are good for you. I'm doing pretty good. Still just getting things ready for when I leave. I've been a little stressed about that, but I know that the Lord will provide and take care of what I can't do, as long as I do all I can. Today I went to mission prep for the first time in a while. It was really good. If the MTC (Missionary Training Center) is anything like that, I know I'm going to love it. Also I spoke in my sacrament meeting. I was super nervous, but I guess I did okay. I'm going to have to add a little more before I speak in the home ward next week, because I'm supposed to take about ten minutes. Anyway things are good. I better go though. At the family party earlier tonight, Cash head butted me in the nose, so now I have a headache. Continue the work. Keep doing what you are doing. The gospel is so true! :) Love you lots. Love, Kelsey


man i'm kinda jealous you will be in the mtc!! i would live there the rest of my life if i could its was so nice. anyway sorry the computer is glitching so others need to have a turn. love you 

Dear Flex, My awesome bro!! I'm so glad that you are doing great! And I am doing fantastic as well and today was great! I didn't work for the first Sunday in like nine months! And we had a great family party. It was so fun and church was great. Kels spoke and did a good job! She is great! And i would like to announce that i am loosing almost all of my family members! Two siblings out on missions!! Wow its crazy! Anyway keep being a good boy and doing a good job! Sounds like you are having a lot of success and remember who you are and what you stand for :) I love you lots and lots!! Thanks for being fantastic!! Peace and Blessings! Out! Em

I love you too i'm glad you didn't have to work on sundays thats good love you.

Hello My Cousin!!!!! 
I'm playing at your house for the next couple days... Oh this is Caitlin, I probably should inform you of that. Um.... What to say? I guess that I'll just let you know what's going on. I was attending Snow College. I thought that I was doing well... I turned out to be wrong, so I decided not to go back for Spring Semester. I feel like everyone's leaving... Imma be all alone. ): Well... Not completely alone, but you get what I'm meaning. I hope that you're having an amazing time and I'm so very proud of you!  I love you to bits!!!!!! -Caterbug! (That nickname still bothers me but I felt that I should put it.) Once again, I love you to bits!!!

Caiterbug i love you too i hope you can continue to have success in life.

                                                            Love All you guys Elder Flexy

1 comment:

    Enjoyed seeing your pre-missionary Elder on his wake board.
    Aren't missionary children the BEST?
    (hopefully we'll get one more and then the Mr and I can have our turn :-)
