Monday, October 11, 2010

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 4:2 -email-

this week was good Elder Martin has been very sick this week so i have had lots of study time. they say i might have to get checked but i'm not worried i feel awesome. that makes me happy to hear riley is home tell him to write me a letter!! we still havent seen conferance but this sunday we get to meet with Elder Holland as missionaries and he is speaking to our stake as well.
2. transfers haven't happened yet, they are next thursday.
3 Do you have investigators that are progressing?
3.ya we kinda have progressing they are at the very beginning of the journey though.
4.we had an experiance when we came to a return apointment and we had commited this man Squinsico to read from the book of mormon and we came in and he told us he knew it was true that was pretty powerful.
5.we actually have a car because our area is too large to walk and public transport is kinda dangerous the taxi drivers are terrible.
6.i don't think there are any that ride bikes just walking areas.
7 Have you met any Elders from back home? Like the Dame's cousin?
7.Ya i met Elder Shaw the Dames cousin and some other elders from utah.
8.ya they drive on the opposite side of the road and the car!
9 What is the weather like? is it getting hot? is hot hot HOT and very humid which makes it even worse but i'm enjoying it.
10.we wear our suits for important meetings and church but other than that its just short sleeve shirts.
ya mission life is going great i'm doing the work and having fun. Love You!!

                                                           Love, Elder Flexy 

Woop i made my first goal in soccer man it was freakin awesome. i'm getting better and better. we are playing the Elders Qourum in our ward in soccer on saturday and its gonna be great we are going to massacre these old guys!! ya yesterday the Berea Elders had four baptisms its awesome. but we work just as hard as them and no one in our area is ready for baptism it kinda stinks but oh well. anyway things are going great I'm getting used to this place and i'm growing to love it. anyway thats all for now. Love you Baba.

                                                                     Love, Elder Flexy

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