Friday, April 23, 2010

Family History Friday (FHF): State Historical Background!

If you have family from a certain area in the United States, and would like information about the place, you can go to the new "FamilySearch" here. Once there, click on "research helps". Once there,  you will find an alphabetized list of possible information you can use. Click on the letter at the top of the state that you wish to look up. For example if I want information about the state of Utah, I would click on the "U". When the list comes up, go down to "Utah Historical Background". Click on it to see a chronological history of Utah. It is a great way to learn important dates and information that could be added to the history of an ancestors. It can/will be helpful and informative. Try it!! Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Thanks much.
    How is the spring in your neck of the woods? I'm so glad the snow is mostly (always a chance for a late storm till June...) done falling here! :-D
    Enjoy your day
