Friday, February 19, 2010

Family History Friday (FHF): She had 16 Kids!!!!

My 4th great grandmother's name is Charity.
 Charity had 16 children. How do we know? We know because she said told us. You might say, "how could she tell us, when she died in 1916?" She told us, on a census record. An important thing to remember about census records is that, depending on the year of the census, different questions may be asked. On two of the census records, the mother is asked "How many children did you have?" And "how many of them are still living?" The first time the questions are asked is on the 1900 census. Charity said she had 16 children, but only ten children were listed by name. That meant that 6 children were missing. They could either be old enough to be married, or they could have passed away. From this we could tell, those six children needed to be found somewhere. But where? Other places to look, include: earlier census records, birth, and death records. We were successful in finding 5 of the missing children. They were born and died in England before she came to America. One was still missing, but her story will be told on the next FHF. 
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy


  1. Joy,
    How interesting that you found my blog, you must have done a search for 'family history' that took you to my post. Correct? I would be honored to be mentioned. I thing your blog is wonderful, such a great way to record your family & their blessings. Lisa
    PS Your children & GB are precious.

  2. Love this! I love family history but it does not love me yet. But I feel that changing soon. Love your blog. It makes me feel happy!
