About ten years ago, we had the opportunity to go to Boston. Both my husband and I have family roots near there. If you read my story of Thanksgiving about Suzanna White, you might be interested to know, that she is one my husbands ancestors. We traveled all around the area. We saw the Mayflower II, and the Plimouth Plantation. You can read about it here. The kids were amazed at how small the ship was, and they couldn't believe that half of the pilgrims died that first winter. I know it was the best vacation we could take at that time, and one of the most memorable.

Fairbanks Homestead
We also went to the Fairbanks home in Dedham, Massachusetts. It is the oldest timber framed home in America. Jonathan Fairbanks is my ancestor on my father's side. You can see it here. We were able to go through the home and see some the furniture and things inside. The Fairbanks home was built in 1637/8 and is amazing to look at. The home has old timber beams put together with what they call a "double bladed scarf joint", it is pretty amazing. It you want to, you can see it here. Maybe if more things were built with a double bladed scarf joint they would last, (like some marriages I know). Anyway, the home has seen a lot of history. When traveling to a place of historical significance to your family there are always other places to stop along the way. It's a fun way to travel, and we always tell the kids, we're having an adventure!! Plan your next trip to an important place, where your roots began, do it today! Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy
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