While serving my
mission in Texas, my companion and I found ourselves at the front door of our
ward mission leader. Before we had a chance to knock or ring the doorbell, we heard what we thought was yelling and screaming coming from inside. My companion and I
stood there with our mouths open, not knowing what to do. Should we leave? We would obviously be interrupting something. Honestly, the first thought that crossed my mind was...
"Is he hurting his children? If he is, he's not the man I thought he was...
Hmmmmm." I came to the realization that if I left now, without at least knocking,
I may never know what was happening and I would definitely always judge him. I wouldn't really want to judge him, I just know I would always wonder. So I decided to knock. After knocking, I heard him from inside say, "Don't open the door. I don't have my pants on!!" Wow, that's not what I was thinking would happen. Then his little girl, about 3 years old, came to the window by the door, parted the curtains and just smiled and smiled at us throught the window. My companion and I became more confused as the moments ticked on. His wife finally opened the door with this look on her face like, you will never believe what just happened.
We were very interested in knowing what just happened. She told us the story of how as they sat down to dinner her husband was holding the baby (about one year old). As they were eating she noticed something on his leg, and said "Honey, I think you have a piece of meat on your leg". He looked down to see a scorpion crawling up his leg toward the baby! He handed the baby over to his wife and swiped the scorpion off with his hand. The scorpion then started crawling back up his leg. Of course everyone is screaming. That's about the time that we, the sister missionaries, got to the front door. As the scorpion crawled back up his leg, he dropped his pants, and killed it with a knife. About that time is when we knocked. It all makes perfect sense when you hear both sides, but to me, the concern and shock I was feeling in the beginning was very real. Can you imagine if I had left and never found out the whole story?
I was ready to make a judgement that was very wrong. This was a righteous man, there was no reason to think otherwise. I made a decision that day, that I would not judge a situation like that again until I had all the information.
In fact, I make a real effort to judge not!
Texas Bluebonnets
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