Monday, January 24, 2011

Howzit-Elder Flexy!

Elder Flexy 7:4 -email-
 things are going great in swaziland it is very nice here and the work is going forward. i am enjoying the new area and all is well here.
1 How is your toe? toe is ok still hurts but i'm doctoring like crazy.
2 How much are you walking?
2.well from 10:30 to 8:00 every day exept appointments. so a lot.
3 How is your new area? area is good i'm learning even more language they speak Swati here but its close to Zulu so its not to hard.
4 How many people are you teaching?
4.lots of people this area is full of humble people which is nice.
5 Do they speak English? 
5.most do but some don't
6 Do they have a thick accent?
6.ya you could say that they speak in a very interesting way so its hard to understand most of the time. but we try our best.
7 What is your routine? (Example: Get up, exercise, shower, personal study, comp study, tracting or contacting, lunch, teaching appts, dinner, teaching appts.)  
7.well we get up sometimes i work out just a short time because we walk all day so not to hard, then eat breakfast, shower, personal study, comp study. then we go to the area work tract see apointments till bout seven o clock at night then we go to a members house till we get picked up in the car.
8 Have you done anything fun on pday yet?
8.ya we played soccer today and i assisted in three goals and i scored one goal it was good.
9 What kind of housing do most of the people live in in Swaziland?
9.well some live in the mud huts some live in houses and there are some appartment buildings.
10 Do you teach well with Elder Webster?
10.yep when it comes to teaching he is my best companion we teach well together.
11 Are the towns or villages very close together?
11.ya the area where we work is small and the zone leaders work the far away parts of our area.
12 Are the people more receptive to hearing what you have to say?
12.usually but sometimes you meet the babes that think they can't learn anything from young chaps like us
Special Question:
13 What does it mean to be meek? How can we be meek?
13.well i would say that meek is similar to humble and submissive so its your ability to see that you don't know everything and that you can learn still. and you need this in order to grow in the gospel if you know everything what do you need gods help for but the fact of the matter is we don't know everything.
anyway things are going great. if anything really cool happens i will surly let you know. love you.
                                   Love Elder Flexy


  1. Great Elder Shelton! Keep up the good work.

  2. What a great guy! It sounds like he is working hard and loving every moment. Keep moving the Gospel Forward!
