Friday, September 10, 2010

Family History Friday (FHF): Inventory Sheet!

An inventory sheet is a great place 
to keep information about the family heirlooms and collectibles that are in your possession. If you have things that were given to you and you want to give them to one of your children when the time comes, you can keep track of them here. Put the surname of the family that the item belonged to at the top. List items on the left. Give them a number if you like. If the item is a picture or a vase, you could put a number on the back or bottom. Where is it located? On the wall in the family room, or in the china hutch. What if the item is journals, and there are 10 of them? You could list them as one item or number them from one to ten. If different people have them, you could still have a list of who has journal # 5, etc. In the comments section you write who that item will go to when you die. It would be one way to help your children to know your wishes when you're not there to tell them. It's a great information sheet! 
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

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