I've heard it said
that you are the only one
who can write the history of you.
It's true!
Others can write about you, but you're the only one who knows how you feel and have felt about different things. One thing that might be fun would be to suggest a date in history to each of your family members and have each person answer three questions about that date.
#1 -Where were you?
#2 -What were you doing?
#3 -How did you feel about it?
For example: The flood in Utah during the summer of 1983-
Where were you? I was in Texas on my mission. My family would say they were in Utah.
What were you doing? I was serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My family would say they were going to school or working.
How did you feel about it? I would say I don't remember being worried about it at all. In fact, I don't even remember hearing much about it. I was more concerned after the fact, because I was unaware of it at the time. My family would say they were very wet. They may have been concerned or worried about the house flooding or being able to travel on the roads.
If you're the type of person who doesn't usually write in a journal, or someone you love doesn't usually write in a journal, make an assignment once a month or week, of a date in history that you and your family could write about and answer the 3 questions above. Then you will have a history, a family history! Here's an assignment for you: December 31, 1999, now answer the questions and go from there.
You can do it! Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy