My maternal
grandpa was the kind of person who was so
tender on the inside that to protect himself, he sometimes came across crusty on the outside. As a young child growing up in Park City, he was always trying to find a way to earn money. I honestly believe, he wanted to make a contribution to his family income. I'm not sure whether he was required or not, but I believe he would want to help either way. Times were tough, and most people struggled then. Around
Christmas time, it would not be unusual for him to go out into the woods and chop down a tree for the family. One year, instead of chopping down one tree, he chopped down several. One of them was for the family tree, a couple he would sell and earn a little extra money. The sweet part, and my favorite part of the story, was that he took a couple of them to the widows in town at no charge, so their little families could have a Christmas tree, too. What a
tender heart! He spent a lot of time all through his life giving to those who were in need. I'm sure if others knew of his gift and they made a big fuss, it was embarrassing to him.
I remember my Grandpa carrying me on his shoulders, when I was just a little girl. He always had strong shoulders. Even after a stroke he was strong and came across as gruff. But I know that his heart was always tender. I miss him, and I know that in that one way at least I am like him; Strong shoulders, tender heart. Think about your ancestors, are some of your characteristics and personality traits like them? If so, share that with your family. Tell them why you're like their ancestors, and maybe they'll start to see how they are like you.
Happy Family History Friday. Love, Joy
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