I feel like I have spent the better part of my motherhood very overwhelmed. I know I'm not alone, but it still bugs me. I want to be on top of all my responsibilities, all the time. Talk about unrealistic expectations!!! I learned a great lesson from one of my kids. When my son, Alex, was quite young, maybe six, he taught me the value of patience and perseverance. One day, while going through piles and piles of mail, school papers, bills and various other things that tend to pile up on our kitchen counters, I screamed, "I'm never going to get through all these piles". To which Alex replied, "Mom, remember 'Slow & steady wins the race!'" Now, most people know this phrase from The Tortoise and the Hare, the darling children's book about the race between these two animals. The hare races frantically along, then has to take naps because he is so tired from being frantic (sound familiar?). The tortoise moves along slow and steady. Of course the tortoise wins because he kept an even pace, and didn't wear himself out trying to be super turtle (or super mom). Ever since that day, I remember what he said and am glad for the lesson. I am much more patient with myself and my life. I am learning to perservere better all the time. Remember....Slow & steady wins the race!
Very good advice, needed it today as I face cleaning up one pile after another pile of laundry clothing just so we can be dressed to get to church..