Sunday, January 31, 2010

What a doll!!

What a sweetheart.

It's a cherub!!

My latest thrift store find! I absolutely LOVE it. I have always wanted a cherub, but never seem to have the money when I see one. Someone, thankfully was done with this little angel and sent it on to me!! The thrift store price was just right for me. And just in time to add to my valentine decor!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Family History Friday (FHF): Do what you can.

So it's Saturday...and I'm just doing my FHF. I'm always pushing myself and you to go, go, go! Not because I want to be annoying, but because I need the motivation. I'm psyching myself and hopefully some of you to do what you can. I know we all live in this hectic world and life happens, but I always want to be doing something every week with family history. I sincerely love my ancesters and want to know them, and want my children to know them. Sometimes you're pooped. I was pooped yesterday. I am feeling much more energetic today. So my advice to you today is do what you can, but make it a priority. And don't get frustrated if your not able to do everything you want, all the time. Remember, "slow and steady wins the race".

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Two Cents! by T and G.

Kelsey: (laughing)
G: Don't laugh at me!
Kelsey: I'm not laughing at you,
I'm laughing with you.
G: I'm NOT laughing!

I needed a reminder, I thought you might too!

It has been quite stormy and gray here. I'm not very fond of gray.
 I NEED THE SUN!!!!! It seems like this time of year, every year,
I'm wanting spring.
I have to remind myself to choose joy. I know that when we have stormy gray days, it helps us enjoy the sunny days. I do love the seasons, but I start to not love the winter so much at the end of it. So here is a post I wrote about choosing joy:

I grew up with 5 brothers. My parents say that after having the first three boys, it was such a "joy" to get a girl, they named me Joy. Really, I know that they tell me that, because they want me to feel special. That's just the way they are. They want all of their children to feel special and they always let us know how much we are loved. I used to wonder a lot about the name Joy and always felt a certain amount of pressure to be joyful. Like it was an assignment or calling. Something required, if you were named Joy. I have since changed my view. After struggling through a difficult time in my life years ago, I came upon a concept that I had heard many times in my life, but hadn't quite grasped it. We all go through tough times, things we don't want to deal with in life. That is part of the earthly experience. What I learned is this, no one (except God) can stop us from being hurt or from struggling. And we would never choose to have the hard things happen to us. But we can choose how long we continue thinking about the pain or struggle after it is over. We attain Joy by choosing it!!! We are in charge of our happiness. I know it's sad that it took me this long to realize this. But more importantly for me is, that I know now that my parents named me Joy, because God knew that I would need a reminder through out my life to be happy. I choose joy! And I am grateful that my parents were so inspired to give me such a special name.

Here comes the sun,
I can feel it now!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Maybe we did come from apes?

Yes, this is my offspring.
Some would say he's crazy
 and a little weird.
I think he's quite talented.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Family History Friday (FHF): Research Continuation Form!

 One of the problems with doing research is trying to remember what you were doing last time you did research. You won't remember! Trust me, you won't. And if you put it down on a little piece of paper, it will most likely get lost, or you will look at your notes and say to yourself, "I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this."
One of my favorite forms is called a
Research Continuation Form

At the top of the page, put the Family name and the date.

#1: What was I doing when I stopped?

Example: Looking for marriage for John and Mary James
#2: What was I trying to prove?

Example: That they were married at Cornwall, England 
in July of 1864.

#3: Where will I begin next time?

Example: With film # 211987, page 234, in the Parrish of Crowan.

If you were looking at a film you will write the film #, and the page you were on in the film. If you were researching in a book you will write the title of the book, the number of the book (Dewey Decimal #), and the page you were on in the book. If you were researching on the internet, you would write the web address for the website.
If you keep a form like this for each of your four grandparent's names, then put the sheet at the front of your research binder, or with the research helps, for each family name. You will never wonder what you were doing when you finished researching ever again. (I hope.)
Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fuzzy Things!

OK, so a cute thing happened at work today. A couple of weeks ago, when this guy came into work I fell in love with his hat. It was beanie, handmade by his wife. It was that really fuzzy chenille type yarn and I had to ask....I had to...I asked him if I could touch it. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it. He turned red then leaned forward for me to touch it. I of course was going crazy, saying, "Ohhhh, that's nice!". He then said, "Ya know, there are people who can help you with this." I just laughed!
So he came in again today, I said, "I bet you're glad you don't have your fuzzy hat on, I would have to ask if I can touch it," and he said, "You should be on a talk show for people who have issues.
You have an illness for fuzzy things." I laughed and laughed! I think that's a compliment! I love fuzzy things! Warm fuzzies are my favorite though.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Favorite TV/Movie Quotes!

Bob: "We can't be expected to understand him, he's so far above us, we're like ropes on the Goodyear blimp"
                                                             -Movie: What About Bob?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Heroes!

Martin Luther King
 is one of my heroes!
 I admire so much his dream of brotherhood and equality. His desire to have our country be a place where we are "judged not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character" was so inspiring. What a beautiful speech! You can hear it here! I feel sad that he isn't here now. I would love to meet him. Here is his last speech. I love how he uses the Bible verses to express himself. He knew, and I know, that God is in charge and that everything will turn out the way it's supposed to in the end.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Two Cents! by T and G.


I decided I have to share. You know how kids say the darndest things? Well the two little guys we have tended for years have given us a plethora of giggles. I'll just call them T and G. T is 6 years old, G is 4 years old, and they are so funny and entertaining. We don't tend them every week anymore, but we still tend them at least once a month and sometimes more. So here goes!!!
G: My vitamin loves me.

New Job!!!

I got a new job back in November. It is my miracle story (blog post on 11-14-09). I thought I should tell you all, I love it! I have been there for 2 months. I feel valued and I feel like my talents and abilities are needed and appreciated. I work with great people. The office is beautiful. I work 40 hours a week. Yeah! And it's close to my home. I am so grateful for my job. (just in case you wondered)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Family History Friday: Make a Timeline.

Whether you're doing your own history, or research on an ancestor, a timeline is amazingly helpful. The way a timeline works is this; you start at the beginning (birth), and start adding information like christening, baptism, injuries, moved to ________, started school, got married, trips taken, death, etc. Place these either on a line drawn horizontally on a page with dots next to about where they would be, or you could make a list vertically with the dates lined up on the left side. An example is found here. The reason why this is so helpful, is because as you put the information down, you have a visual of what information needs to be added or what research needs to be done. You can also use this information to write your personal history or a history of the person you are researching. As you write down events, they sometimes jog your memory of more things. Another example of things to put on a timeline is: world wars, events in the history of the world, natural disasters, who was president, what athletic teams won, how much things cost, etc. A fun thing might be to do a timeline of an average week for, say, your mom when she was young. One thing my mom always did as a past time is she went to the matinee on Saturday's. I think she said it cost 25 cents for the movie. A nickel for popcorn and a nickel for a candy bar. I love that story. Start with you, make a timeline this weekend. It's a fun activity to do with you family. Happy Family History! Love, Joy

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lessons from the Mountain!

Another lessen learned while climbing this beautiful mountain.
God is in the details!
My husband and I climbed this mountain back in 1999. While climbing we stopped a lot to rest, mostly because of me. My sweetheart is an athlete. While resting we looked at everything; the view, the sky, the cars that looked like little ants cruising around, the rocks, the trees and other plants. One thing that I remember thinking is how much we miss when we don't stop and look. Everything that was created by God down to the smallest detail is amazing. For example, a pinecone. Have you ever just looked at the intricate details of a pinecone? The leaves on each tree, including the pine needles are so beautiful. Or the flowers. There were all different kinds of wildflowers on the hike, most of them I had never seen or noticed before.
Notice the heart shaped petals on the flower below. That's Heavenly Father saying, "I love you and I want you to know it!"

The first thought that I always have is, 'this was no accident, there is a kind and wonderful Father in heaven who loves us!'  He put so much time and attention into the smallest detail of everything He has blessed us with. I think if we all slowed down a little, in our fast paced life and really looked, we would all find God in the details. I know He is real, and that He loves us. He is blessing us all, constantly. Even the hard or challenging things we go through are a blessing if realize that we learned something new and we're a better person once the challenge is past. Look for God in your life, He is there. When you notice how He has blessed you, Thank Him.  Love, Joy

Friday, January 8, 2010

Family History Friday (FHF): Keep a journal!

I've heard it said
that you are the only one
who can write the history of you.
It's true!
Others can write about you, but you're the only one who knows how you feel and have felt about different things. One thing that might be fun would be to suggest a date in history to each of your family members and have each person answer three questions about that date.
#1 -Where were you?
#2 -What were you doing?
#3 -How did you feel about it?
For example: The flood in Utah during the summer of 1983-
Where were you? I was in Texas on my mission. My family would say they were in Utah.
What were you doing? I was serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My family would say they were going to school or working.
How did you feel about it? I would say I don't remember being worried about it at all. In fact, I don't even remember hearing much about it. I was more concerned after the fact, because I was unaware of it at the time. My family would say they were very wet. They may have been concerned or worried about the house flooding or being able to travel on the roads.
If you're the type of person who doesn't usually write in a journal, or someone you love doesn't usually write in a journal, make an assignment once a month or week, of a date in history that you and your family could write about and answer the 3 questions above. Then you will have a history, a family history!  Here's an assignment for you: December 31, 1999, now answer the questions and go from there.
 You can do it! Happy Family History Friday! Love, Joy

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Favorite TV/Movie Quotes!

Frodo: "I wish the ring had never
come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil..."
-The Lord of the Rings:
The Fellowship of the Ring

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 Faves on the 5th

#1- The number "10"

#2- Cleaning house in my PJ's

#3- Donating things to charity

#4- Playing "Yahtzee" with Emily.

#5- Reading a book cuddled
                   up next to Taz (our pooper).

(he's wet here, but very cuddly when he's dry)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Growing fast!

I can't believe how fast
the time has gone.
I've been a grandma for 2 1/2 years.

My little Natasha
is growing fast!! What a doll!
I love being a grandma!
(I think I said that before)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Family History Friday (FHF): New Years Resolution!

#1 Do more family history.
Two hours of research on Tuesdays
two hours of organizing every Sunday.
Love, Joy